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- Written by: Steve Burgess
Our Genetics in Drug Development course is the best place to learn about the power of human genetics for aiding with the discovery and development of therapeutic targets. From now on, we will be operating the course on a continuous recruitment basis. The course is a mixture of pre-recorded talks, computer practicals, and live sessions to help with coding and interpretation of results. However, rather than waiting until the next iteration of the course, from now on when you sign up to the course, you will be given access to the course material straightaway (in practice, it could take up to a week to be enrolled), so that you can access the on-demand content. The live sessions are still an integral part of the course, but we want you to be able to access the rest of the course material without delay. The live sessions for the 2025 course will take place in November - if you sign up at any point in 2025, we will give you access to the course material for the full year, including the live sessions when they run. We hope this will provide a better and more flexible course experience for participants.
Sign up here to get access to the on-demand material until December 2025 without delay, and to experience the live sessions in November 2025!
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- Written by: Steve Burgess
This blog post is an addendum to the commentary "Towards more reliable non-linear mendelian randomization investigations" to provide practical advice on the implementation of non-linear Mendelian randomization.
Non-linear Mendelian randomization is an extension to standard Mendelian randomization that aims to understand the shape of the causal relationship between an exposure and outcome using genetic variants as instrumental variables. As this approach aims to make stronger conclusions than standard Mendelian randomization, it makes stronger assumptions than standard Mendelian randomization.
We have proposed two methods for non-linear Mendelian randomization: the residual method and the doubly-ranked method. Both methods operate by dividing the population into strata and obtaining linear estimates within each stratum. Hence, stratified Mendelian randomization is perhaps a more accurate name, but so far non-linear Mendelian randomization has stuck. There are other approaches to perform non-linear instrumental variable analysis, but stratification works well in the context of Mendelian randomization as the genetic instrument typically explains a small fraction of variance in the exposure.
The residual method has been shown to give biased estimates both in simulations and in practice - it assumes that the effect of the genetic instrument on the exposure is constant in the population, which is often not true in practice. Hence, we would now recommend against the use of the residual method in practice. Indeed, we have retracted and republished or revised two of our previous publications using this approach.
The doubly-ranked method performs well in simulations - it makes a weaker assumption (the "rank-preserving assumption"), which is more plausible.
However, others have shown that strata formed by both methods can have non-null genetic associations with age and sex (generally worse for the residual method, but also present for the doubly-ranked method), even if genetic associations with age and sex are null in the population as a whole. This is a threat to the validity of findings, as such associations reflect violations of the instrumental variable assumptions that may bias estimates. Such associations appear to be stronger in UK Biobank than in other datasets, potentially due to greater selection bias in UK Biobank. Adjustment for age and sex will reduce bias, although whether it mitigates bias completely is unclear.
Additionally, estimates from the doubly-ranked method can be variable between implementations of the method. Even removing one or two individuals from the analysis can change estimates drastically. Estimates are still valid, but they behave like having a completely different dataset. Which isn't really ideal. When implementing the doubly-ranked method in practice, we have starting using bootstrap aggregating: we repeat the analysis a large number of times removing a small number of individuals (usually 12) at random from the dataset each time, and average over results using Rubin's rules (similar to in multiple imputation for missing data). Why 12 individuals? No real reason, but if it was good enough for Jesus, then it's good enough for me.
Final point - the original version of the doubly-ranked method suggested creating pre-strata containing Q individuals each, where Q is the number of strata in the dataset. For a dataset of the size of UK Biobank, this is quite small. Hence, we suggest increasing the size of pre-strata. In the code below (which uses a recent update to the SUMnlmr package), we set prestrat = 10, which means the pre-strata contain 10*Q individuals. The pre-strata shouldn't be too large, as the method works by assuming that the instrument values are equal (or close to equal) within pre-strata. But by increasing pre-strata size, this means that the eventual strata should be more distinct - the means of the exposure in each stratum should be more spread out.
Hence is code to implement non-linear Mendelian randomization using the doubly-ranked method, incorporating bootstrap aggregation and variable pre-stratum size, using the SUMnlmr package:
library(SUMnlmr) # input data out = cbind(outcome1, outcome2, etc) # list of outcomes # we recommend including age/sex as outcomes, as they are important negative controls # however, remember not to adjust for sex/age when sex/age is the outcome! grs = genetic_risk_score; exposure = exposure # parameter values - please edit to fit your application strata = 5 # number of strata - 5 is a nice number, but please change to what is most sensible # in your application outcomes = 3 # number of outcomes participants = 30000 # number of study participants # covariates sexbin = ifelse(sex=="Male", 0, 1) age2 = age^2; agesex = age*sexbin age2sex = age^2*sexbin # given the observed associations with age and sex, we suggest adjusting for # age^2, and age*sex and age^2*sex interactions to minimize impact of any associations PCs = principal components centre = recruitment centre # any technical covariates to account for # analysis code bx = array(NA, dim=c(strata, outcomes)); bxse = array(NA, dim=c(strata, outcomes)); by = array(NA, dim=c(strata, outcomes)); byse = array(NA, dim=c(strata, outcomes)) xmean = array(NA, dim=c(strata, outcomes)) xmin = array(NA, dim=c(strata, outcomes)) xmax = array(NA, dim=c(strata, outcomes)) for (k in 1:outcomes) { set.seed(496+k) # seed is set to ensure reproducibility # 496 is one of my favourite numbers, please replace with your favourite number times = 100 # 100 repetitions for the bootstrap aggregation - I wouldn't go lower than this bxi = array(NA, dim=c(times, strata)); bxsei = array(NA, dim=c(times, strata)); byi = array(NA, dim=c(times, strata)); bysei = array(NA, dim=c(times, strata)) xmeani = array(NA, dim=c(times, strata)) xmini = array(NA, dim=c(times, strata)) xmaxi = array(NA, dim=c(times, strata)) for (i in 1:times) { skip = sample(participants, 12, replace=FALSE) summ_data<-create_nlmr_summary(y = out[-skip,k], x = exposure[-skip], g = grs[-skip], covar = cbind(sex, age, age2, agesex, age2sex, PCs, centre)[-skip,], family = "gaussian", # or "binomial" if outcome is binary strata_method = "ranked", controlsonly = FALSE, prestrat = 10, # pre-strata of size 10 times the number of strata # if the sample size is large, this should be okay q = strata) bxi[i,] = summ_data$summary$bx bxsei[i,] = summ_data$summary$bxse byi[i,] = summ_data$summary$by bysei[i,] = summ_data$summary$byse xmeani[i,] = summ_data$summary$xmean xmaxi[i,] = summ_data$summary$xmin xmini[i,] = summ_data$summary$xmax cat(i) } bx[,k] = apply(bxi, 2, mean) bxse[,k] = sqrt(apply(bxsei^2, 2, mean)+(times+1)/times*apply(bxi, 2, var)) by[,k] = apply(byi, 2, mean) byse[,k] = sqrt(apply(bysei^2, 2, mean)+(times+1)/times*apply(byi, 2, var)) xmean[,k] = apply(xmeani, 2, mean) xmax[,k] = apply(xmaxi, 2, mean) xmin[,k] = apply(xmini, 2, mean) # application of Rubin's rules cat(k, "\n") }
This gives the genetic associations with the exposure within the strata (bx = beta-coefficients, bxse = standard errors), genetic associations with the outcome within the strata (by = beta-coefficients, byse = standard errors), and the mean levels of the exposure within each strata (xmean), plus a couple of other values used by the plotting commands in the SUMnlmr package.
These can then be plotted, for example as a forest plot:
par(mar=par("mar")+c(0,2,0,0)) labs = c("Lowest stratum ", paste0("Stratum ", 2:(strata-1), " "), "Highest stratum ") plot(by[,1]/bx[,1], strata:1-0.5, bty="n", xlim=c(min((by[,1]-1.96*byse[,1])/bx[,1]), max((by[,1]+1.96*byse[,1])/bx[,1])), ylim=c(0,5), yaxt="n", main="Outcome 1", xlab="MR estimate (95% confidence interval)", ylab="") for (j in 1:strata) { lines(c((by[j,1]-1.96*byse[j,1])/bx[j,1], (by[j,1]+1.96*byse[j,1])/bx[j,1]), c(strata+.5-j, strata+.5-j)) text(min((by[,1]-1.96*byse[,1])/bx[,1]), strata+.5-j, labs[j], adj=1, xpd=NA) }
Or used as inputs for the frac_poly_summ_mr command in the SUMnlmr package.
Please let us know if this code is useful - we are still understanding how to implement non-linear Mendelian randomization in the most reliable way, and so this advice may evolve over time. But this represents the current best practice from my perspective.
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- Written by: Steve Burgess
The MendelianRandomization software package enables the implementation of various methods for Mendelian randomization using summarized data. This package has recently been updated a number of times to add extra functionality, and is now on version 0.9.0.
Some references:
- MendelianRandomization: an R package for performing Mendelian randomization analyses using summarized data. This describes the basic operation of the package and core functions.
- MendelianRandomization v0.5.0: updates to an R package for performing Mendelian randomization analyses using summarized data. This describes updates to the package up to version 0.5.0.
- MendelianRandomization v0.9.0: updates to an R package for performing Mendelian randomization analyses using summarized data. This describes updates to the package up to version 0.9.0.
Two other brief updates to announce:
First, we have released MRZero, a slimmed-down version of the Mendelian randomization package. This contains 97% of the same functionality of the original MendelianRandomization package, but with fewer dependences (including no C++ content), and less extraneous content (no exemplar PhenoScanner dataset and no vignette). Overall, while MendelianRandomization is ~1000 kB, MRZero is only 106 kB. This version of the package is designed for resource-limited settings, and for quick installation on a new computer when you don’t want to load so many dependent packages.
Second, we have updated the vignette of the MendelianRandomization package to version 0.9.0. This will be distributed together with the next version of the package, but until then it is available for download here, or available in interactive form here.
We hope you enjoy the new functionality in the package, and we look forward to further suggestions on how to make the package better!
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- Written by: Steve Burgess
Non-linear Mendelian randomization (or stratified Mendelian randomization) is an extension to standard Mendelian randomization that performs separate instrumental variable analyses in strata of the population. The motivation is to understand the causal dose—response curve relating the exposure to the outcome – how does the outcome vary on average when we intervene on the exposure at different levels of the exposure?
The initial proposal for this method was to stratify the population on the “residual exposure” – that is, residual values from regression of the exposure on the genetic variants. This can be performed fairly simply in R, but here are some coding shortcuts. We first load the SUMnlmr package, and use this to generate synthetic data:
test_data<-create_ind_data(N=10000, beta2=2, beta1=1)
outcome = test_data$quadratic.Y
exposure = test_data$X
grs = test_data$g
We calculate the residual exposure by regressing the exposure on the genetic score, subtracting the fitted value from the measured value, and then adding the overall mean (to ensure that the values of the residual exposure are interpretable):
exposure0 = exposure - lm(exposure ~grs)$fit + mean(exposure)
We can divide into a fixed number of equally-sized quantiles:
quant = 10
qs = quantile(exposure0, prob=seq(0, 1-1/quant, by=1/quant))
quantx0 = as.numeric(lapply(exposure0, function(x) { return(sum(x>=qs)) }))
Or into strata at fixed values of the residual exposure (here <0.5, 0.5-1.0, 1.0-1.5, 1.5-2.0, and >2.0):
quantx0 = as.numeric(cut(exposure0, breaks=c(-Inf,0.5,1,1.5,2,Inf), include.lowest=TRUE))
And then calculate genetic associations with the exposure and outcome within each stratum:
bx=NULL; bxse=NULL; by=NULL; byse=NULL; xmean=NULL
for (j in 1:length(unique(quantx0))) {
bx[j] = lm(exposure[quantx0==j] ~ grs[quantx0==j])$coef[2]
bxse[j] = summary(lm(exposure[quantx0==j] ~ grs[quantx0==j]))$coef[2,2]
by[j]= summary(lm(outcome[quantx0==j] ~ grs[quantx0==j]))$coef[2,1]
byse[j] = summary(lm(outcome[quantx0==j] ~ grs[quantx0==j]))$coef[2,2]
xmean[j] = mean(exposure[quantx0==j])
} # add covariates to the regression models to taste
Alternatively, we can use the built-in function create_nlmr_summary, which does this for equally-sized quantiles in one step:
summ_data <-create_nlmr_summary(y = outcome,
x = exposure,
g = grs,
covar = NULL, # add covariates here
family = "gaussian",
# gaussian for continuous outcome, binomial for binary outcome
strata_method = "residual",
controlsonly = FALSE,
# only relevant for binary outcomes
q = 10) # number of quantiles
Once we have the summarized data, we could calculate IV estimates for each stratum and stop there. Alternatively, we could use one of the fancy plotting functions in the SUMnlmr package to plot the data:
Similarly, there is the piecewise_summ_mr function. There are lots of options in both functions here to explore.
One point to clarify is that the IV estimates represent the change in the outcome per unit difference in the genetically-predicted values of the exposure (or with a causal interpretation, the change in the outcome per unit increase in the exposure). Whereas the plotting functions give the estimated relationship between the exposure and outcome. In these plots, the IV estimate is the gradient (slope) of the curve. So these options represent two ways of expressing the same information.
An assumption made in the “residual method” for non-linear Mendelian randomization is that the genetic effect on the exposure is constant in the population. It turns out that this assumption is often violated. We have recently developed a non-parametric method (the “doubly-ranked method”) for stratifying the population that is less sensitive to violations of this “constant genetic effect” assumption. This can be implemented in the SUMnlmr package using the strata_method = "ranked" option:
summ_data2<-create_nlmr_summary(y = outcome,
x = exposure,
g = grs,
covar = NULL,
family = "gaussian",
strata_method = "ranked",
controlsonly = FALSE,
q = 10)
Our current advice is to assess the constant genetic effect assumption using the doubly-ranked method – are the bx estimates from the doubly-ranked method similar? (It turns out that the bx estimates from the residual method are similar whether this assumption is satisfied or not – something we didn’t initially realise.)
If the assumption is violated, then: 1) compare non-linear MR results from both methods (residual and doubly-ranked), with more weight on results from the doubly-ranked method, as this method is less sensitive to violations of the assumption; and 2) consider transforming the exposure – if the bx estimates are increasing, then a log transformation may be appropriate. Transformation will not change the by estimates from the doubly-ranked method, and so transformation will not affect reliability of the doubly-ranked method, but it will change the bx estimates – are these now more similar? If so, results from the residual method following transformation will be more reliable. We note that transformation of the exposure does change the interpretation of the bx estimates and consequently the interpretation of the IV estimates.
> summ_data2
bx by bxse byse xmean xmin xmax
1 0.2679257 3.057584 0.01066202 0.1345234 2.569048 2.327217 2.957322
2 0.2554275 3.174083 0.01166755 0.1602636 2.801911 2.437782 3.187628
3 0.2602369 3.532592 0.01243878 0.1748998 2.980195 2.605649 3.382229
4 0.2521341 3.577799 0.01326634 0.1946739 3.149608 2.766214 3.554172
5 0.2471285 3.615373 0.01482321 0.2272206 3.336171 2.932134 3.804060
6 0.2442914 3.703393 0.01775254 0.2868735 3.537327 3.070300 4.031026
7 0.2574438 4.226760 0.02138597 0.3647961 3.798588 3.243232 4.411147
8 0.2354753 4.227439 0.02758202 0.5159806 4.146887 3.467366 4.939591
9 0.2512287 5.066621 0.03813687 0.8212202 4.638575 3.750960 5.641951
10 0.2830375 6.905185 0.05862062 1.5639190 5.606438 4.260455 6.477177
In this case, the bx estimates vary, but not strongly and with no evident pattern – so I would be fairly confident in the reliability of the methods (which in this case both suggest a positive and increasing causal effect – evidenced by the positive and increasing values of by/bx).
Estimates from the doubly-ranked method can be fed into the fractional polynomial or piecewise linear plotting functions similarly to those from the residual method:
with(summ_data2$summary, piecewise_summ_mr(by, bx, byse, bxse, xmean, xmin,xmax,
We hope this tutorial helps introduce you to the doubly-ranked method. More details on the software can be found here: https://github.com/amymariemason/SUMnlmr.
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- Written by: Steve Burgess
When performing a Mendelian randomization analysis based on a single gene region, it is possible to include only a single variant in the analysis. However, if multiple variants explain independent variance in the exposure, then the analysis will be more efficient using all those variants - even if they are partially correlated. With summarized data, this can be achieved using the inverse-variance weighted (IVW) method, by incorporating a correlation matrix in the analysis.
For this, it’s important that the correlations are in the right direction – what is needed are signed correlations, not squared correlations (r, not r^2). The signs of the correlations must correspond to the same effect alleles as the genetic associations. It's best to estimate such a matrix in a large sample with similar ethnic background to the dataset from which the summarized data are taken (in particular, the genetic associations with the outcome). If this isn't possible, then the ld_matrix in the TwoSampleMR package can help. For example:
rho = ld_matrix(c("rs7529229", "rs4845371", "rs12740969"))
> rs7529229_C_T rs4845371_T_C rs12740969_T_G
> rs7529229_C_T 1.000000 -0.687196 -0.571108
> rs4845371_T_C -0.687196 1.000000 0.155994
> rs12740969_T_G -0.571108 0.155994 1.000000
We see that the effect alleles are T for rs7529229, C for rs4845371, and G for rs12740969. If our summarized data instead used the T allele for rs4845371, we can flip the relevant elements of rho in the second row and column:
flip = c(1, -1, 1)
rho.new = rho*flip%o%flip
One question is this: suppose there are multiple genetic variants in a given gene region that are all potential instruments. How to decide how many variants to include in a Mendelian randomization analysis? Including too few variants may result in inefficiency. But including too many variants in the analysis may result in unstable estimates. The reason is that including highly correlated variants can result in numerical instabilities when inverting the correlation matrix - small changes in the correlation matrix can lead to large changes in the MR estimate. The same happens if you include 3 or more variants that aren’t close to 100% pairwise correlated, but they all predict each other (the technical term is “linearly dependence” or “multicollinearity”).
While we have developed methods for highly correlated variants - for example, here Mendelian randomization with fine‐mapped genetic data: Choosing from large numbers of correlated instrumental variables (nih.gov) we suggest using principal components analysis (PCA) to summarize the genetic variants - these methods are not foolproof when the correlation matrix is imprecisely estimated or does not fit the data well (perhaps it is estimated in a slightly different population). This can result in an overly precise estimate. A similar method (but a little more robust to weak instruments) can be found here: [2005.01765] Inference with many correlated weak instruments and summary statistics (arxiv.org)
Practical advice is this: first, start with aggressive pruning – would suggest a threshold of r^2<0.1, and account for correlations in the analysis. By increasing the pruning threshold (to r^2<0.2, r^2<0.3, etc) and including additional variants, you can potentially get an estimate that is slightly more precise that this, but if the standard error reduces sharply (say it decreases by a factor of 3), then I wouldn’t trust the estimate, and instead would suggest reporting the estimate with more aggressive pruning. Similar when using the dimension reduction methods - if the MR estimate gets a bit more precise, then it’s probably reliable, but if it’s substantially more precise, then I’d be concerned.
From experience, pruning at r^2 < 0.3 is generally safe, and r^2 < 0.4 is usually okay – but I’ve seen problems at this level in a couple of examples. If at all possible, I’d recommend trying to get correlation estimates in as large a sample size as possible (but still relevant to the dataset under analysis!) - and be suspicious if including additional highly correlated variants to an analysis substantially reduces standard errors!